Super Arch Rubber Fenders
Cell Rubber Fender’s Advantages
Super Arch Rubber Fenders
Cell Rubber Fender’s Advantages

Super Cell Rubber Fenders

Super Cell Rubber Fenders are a type of marine fender designed to provide high performance in terms of energy absorption and durability. Here’s a brief overview:

Design and Features Of Super Cell Rubber Fenders

  1. Cell Structure:
    • Consists of a series of interconnected rubber cells that compress and absorb impact forces efficiently.
  2. Material:
    • Made from high-quality, resilient rubber compounds, often with a reinforced steel or chain frame for added strength.
  3. Energy Absorption:
    • Engineered to absorb significant amounts of energy, reducing the impact on ships and docking structures.
  4. Mounting:
    • Typically mounted using brackets or bolts, allowing for secure attachment to docks or piers.

Safety Tips

  • Follow Guidelines: Adhere to manufacturer’s instructions for installation and maintenance.
  • Use Safety Gear: Wear appropriate safety equipment during installation and inspections.

Super Cell Rubber Fenders are valued for their efficiency in protecting marine infrastructure and vessels, ensuring longevity and reducing damage from impacts.