Maintenance of Ship Launching Airbags
Multiple Uses Of Ship Launching Airbags In The Maritime Field
Maintenance of Ship Launching Airbags
Multiple Uses Of Ship Launching Airbags In The Maritime Field

Function Of Rubber Fenders

The functions of rubber fenders include:

  1. Cushioning and protection: Rubber fenders absorb collision energy, reducing damage to both vessels and dock structures.
  2. Friction reduction and wear: Their smooth, elastic surface minimizes friction and wear between vessels and docks.
  3. Stabilization during mooring: Rubber fenders provide additional friction and stability, helping vessels maintain position and direction during mooring.
  4. Simplifying docking operations: They guide vessels smoothly into position, making docking operations safer and more efficient.
  5. Adaptability to weather and sea conditions: Rubber fenders are weather-resistant and corrosion-resistant, maintaining performance in various climates and sea conditions.

In summary, rubber fenders play a crucial role in providing support and protection for safe interactions between vessels and docks, owing to their excellent cushioning, durability, and versatility.