Maintenance Of Inflatable Fenders
Ship Launching Airbags
Maintenance Of Inflatable Fenders
Ship Launching Airbags

How To Use And Maintain Inflatable Fenders

Usage Instructions Of Inflatable Fenders:

  1. Inflation:
    • Use an appropriate air pump to inflate the fenders to the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. Both over-inflation and under-inflation can affect the performance and lifespan of the fenders.
    • Avoid over-inflating to prevent damage to the fender material or seams.
  2. Installation Position:
    • Place the fenders near the contact areas of the vessel or dock that need protection, ensuring the fenders cover potential collision points adequately.
  3. Usage Precautions:
    • Avoid the fenders coming into contact with sharp or rough surfaces to prevent damage to the fender surface.
    • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, which can accelerate material aging.
  4. Disassembly and Storage:
    • When not in use, carefully remove the fenders from the vessel or dock and store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

Maintenance Methods:

  1. Inspection and Cleaning:
    • Regularly inspect the surface and seams of the fenders for any signs of wear, tear, or punctures.
    • Clean the fender surface with mild soap and water to remove dirt and salt, avoiding the use of strong acidic or corrosive cleaners.
  2. Repairing Air Leaks:
    • If air leaks or damage are found, use a repair kit recommended by the manufacturer.
    • Ensure the fender surface is dry and clean before starting repairs, following the specific instructions provided with the repair kit.
  3. Replacing Components:
    • If necessary, replace heavily worn parts or seams according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  4. Maintaining Inflation Pressure:
    • Regularly check the inflation pressure and adjust as needed to ensure the fenders remain properly inflated.

By following these usage instructions and maintenance steps, you can extend the lifespan of inflatable fenders, ensuring their effectiveness and safety in protecting vessels and docks.